
Tuesday 24 November 2020

Our Text Analysis Screencastify

We are learning to analyse texts and look at how authors create mood and atmosphere by using language features. Here is a Screencast I created with Victoria and Tina of our analysis of the text Creepy Cafetorium.

Monday 23 November 2020

My Zoo Experience


Zoo Experience

The Auckland Zoo was really exciting and gigantic. The whole school went to the Auckland Zoo on the 18th of November. We were so grateful to have an opportunity to go on this exciting Zoo trip.The bus we went on was kinda big. 

Here is a photo of my class in the bus.


When we arrived at the Zoo we got into a group. In my group was Ana, Patrick,Mahana and Ila and we started looking at the animals. The first animal we saw was a Meerkats. They were so adorable and small. After seeing the Meerkats we saw a Giraffe, Zebras, and an ostriches. We saw a Rhinoceros, Waterbuck and a Nyala then we went to see the flamingo. Before we saw the flamingo we saw an Elephant named Burma.

My friend Ana and I wrote lots of notes on animal facts and we also took lots of photos. We went to see the seal and it was swimming in circles on his back then we saw the penguins. We stopped at Tuatara and we saw 2 wooden boxes inside that were a fake snake and a fake lizard. We scarcely touch the snake and the lizard. We feel jumpy. Ana and I got Patrick to put his hand in and screamed like a girl two times. It was so funny. We told him they were fake. 

 We started running to my dad and the best part was when my dad bought us an ice cream it was so yummy. We got back in the bus and went back to the school.

I wish we could go on the Zoo Trip again with the whole school.

Tuesday 17 November 2020

Our Screencastify Of Programming a Robot

Kia ora Bloggers,
This is our screencastify of programming a Edison Robot. I hope you enjoyed our screencastify!
With a great friends we finally completed this program
This is our screenshot of our program😀