
Wednesday 28 March 2018

Digital cybersart


  1. soloia i really like your writting so much the pichurt is really nice next time do i new one

  2. Tena koe, Soloia. I like the pictures you have used in your infographic they are really great! You should reread your sentence in the third box. Do you notice anything about this sentence?

  3. Tena koe Soloia. My name is Ema.I love your reading infographic so much.Next time you could put the words bigger.Did it take forever to do this

  4. Tena koe Soloia my name is Ellakaye. i like your photos of the Chromebooks. next time you could make the words bigger so people can see the words. was it hard to do this caring for Chromebooks?

  5. Tena koe Soloia.I liked your photos you used.Next time you could check your work.Did you notice something wrong with the third boxs writing???

  6. tena koe soloia its dhiveer i really like the way you did a digital learning about caring for Chromebook add new pictures in there next time put full stops in there

  7. Hi Soloia I like your caring for my Chromebook and how you made your name at the bottom it was really smart to put your own pictures but why did you make the words so small

  8. Hi Soloia my name is Jasmine and I like you slide about caring about you Chromebook,but I see for the title of you post you forgot to m in cyber smart but everything else is amazing, thank you for sharing.
